I agree to let God speak for Himself. Why is it that many times (i think i'm asking myself here personally) that we often look for "good preachers", "good" books, good etc2. to help us understand the Bible? Why don't we let God speak for Himself?! Do we really need other people to tell us what the Bible means? I do believe that the reason why God gave us the Bible in the first place is that we can consult Him without asking other people.

Many times this too is debated. Ppl say that we need to know the history of things n the purpose of the documents to truly understand what God meant. All this is true, especially for those who are going to preach the Word. But when we say that we MUST do this and that in order to understand the Bible (beside reading the Bible itself). Then doesn't that change from love to legalism?

I remember a time in chapel at ptc, it was a bit different, it was actually just reading 2kings 1-6. And it was GOOD! Many times we need to COPY the Jewish ways of doing things. They read the Scripture aloud and they're glad to hear it over and over again. here's a section from the above recommended reading.
Judaism can teach us so many things, not the least of which is how you engage that Book as a living and holy thing. The Jews start by kissing the Torah as they lift it out of its box. Right from the beginning, they sense that it is a living thing. They sense the vitality in those words. They don't go hacking it to pieces as if they were going to make beef stew out of it. It's a continuous flow and a continuous story.


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