better than words

During the last 8 years living with my brothers and sister in Australia, I can recount the countless number times that we argue about cleaning the house, washing the dishes etc2. Everyone accuse one another for not doing the dishes or cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the kitchen etcccccc etc etc etc. I even remember the time when i argued with my sister about doing the dishes (which she rarely do) and she replied back by mentioning the fact that i rarely clean the bathroom(which is true in a way). And the arguments goes on an on... neverending...

until NOW, i've found a way (actually this had been suggested by my mom before but i Didn't want listen because it's the MOST annoying way!) the best way to deal with this issue. And that is:

to stop arguing with words but with actions

You see why this is the most annoying solution to the problem?! IT requires the most effort, time, sacrifice and (to my logic) foolishness. But this is the only solution that not only my mom gave but also JESUS taught to His disciples. Ops one more thing i forgot, its the only solution that WORKS.

Lately I'm getting so tired of trying to change my sister and brothers to make them do house works. now, i usually ask them to do it, and if the don't do it straight away, i will do it for them instead (but not for all of them... it's not like i don't have anything else better to do..).

I have to admit, i'm not their mother/father that the best solution for a sister to ask her siblings is not to boss them but to give them examples. I HATE doing it... to tell you the truth.. many times i get angry when i do it... my head keeps on telling me that i'm so STUPID for serving them, and that they will take it for granted. But then something else in my head tells me that if no one is going to start doing something about it then when will change happen?

I guess... God realized this long ago when He created the world, that the only way sin can be defeated is by His own initiative not humans... cos' humans are just to selfish to start doing ANYTHING selfless...


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