my funny teachers

Have i told you about my teachers at PTC yet? They're a marvelous funny bunch

one time i asked my New testament teacher about our assessment:
me: hey Ian, can i ask you something
Ian: Sure!
me: what do you expect from the essay that you've given us? Our personal reflection, historical accuracy or what?
me: can you elaborate on that.....

And another time a student ask one of the teacher about something:
Student: John, can we bring notes into the exam (jokingly)
John: Yes you can, but you have 5 minutes to do the exam

These are just a glimpse of how funny these people are... I truly enjoyed being here at PTC i've learned so many things during my study there... and it's encouraging that God brings laughter to His follower heheh it's not all about being serious and angry all the time...


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