Reason to love

Do we need a reason to love?
Do we need others to become beautiful first before we can say they are beautiful?
Do we need others to fill the criteria of "perfect" friend before we show them kindness?
Do we need others to please us first before we please them?
Do we need others to approach us first before we approach them?
Do we need others to show us love first before we can love them?
Do we need others to need us first before we need them?

Is there really nothing that we can do to take the initiative to love those who are unlovable
those who are annoying,
those who hates us,
those who always curse us,
those who always show malice to us,
those who are ugly,
those who are boring,
those who don't "connect" with us,
those who can't entertain us.
those who don't care about us,
those who used to abuse us,
those who can't show that they love us,
those who can't give us anything,
those whom we always need to takes care of,
those who never takes the initiative to love us,
those which the world calls hypocrites, dictator, enemy, hateful, resentful, mean and worthless.

Is the world really that hopeless for people who are enemy of the world?
Is the world really that hopeless for anyone who doesn't fit in with the popular group?
Is the world really that hopeless for those who are slow in their learning process?
Is the world really that hopeless for those who don't want to learn?

IS there really no hope for those who are not perfect?

I wonder how can a person proves all of these question wrong with dying on the Cross.
I wonder what was He thinking when He lived down here on earth.
I wonder how was He feeling when He was doing all that He did.
I wonder if He ever thought about Himself once and give in to that thought.
I wonder how hard it must be for Him to do task such as these.
I wonder if He ever think that what happened to Him was unfair.
I wonder if He ever regretted the fact that He came down to earth to save humanity from these hopelessness.

Something within me and everything in the Bible told me that He had greater purpose than just achieving things that can be seen at present.
Everything in the Bible told me that there is something greater than selfishness, that is the love of God, that enables us to break through that selfishness.
Everything in the Bible taught me about unconditional love that was given to creatures who can never be worthy of it.


hey hyn, thanks for the reminder! i so need to be reminded of these at times.

did you write these beautiful lines yourself?
ccaesarina said…
it's questions that's been in my brain everytime i'm having a fellowship with people at pemuda..

i too need to be reminded of those. to keep on asking these questions when i see someone new... many times i too am forgotten of that.. especially when i'm under pressure..

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