Christian values without Christ

I'm sure you've heard this many times before- especially from the mouth of an atheist- that they want Christian values without the Christ.

I personally had heard it once said to me. I told my friend of the type of work that i am doing currently. During the time i was telling her about what i do, she agrees with me most of the time. Until it gets to a more "curchie" topic. She said, "What you're doing is good, but don't brainwash the ppl with your Christianity"

Well isn't that interesting... I haven't truly find the answer yet, but this is one thing that just occurred to me. How can we possibly have the characteristics of God without having God in us? Is it ever possible for selfish people like us to ever truly love another? Without Christ, what purpose is there for me to do all this things? To keep on trying and trying?

Without Christ, what purpose is there in my life?

I don't think that i can ever think of doing social work or anything even related to that if i don't have Christ.

So can we have Christian values without Christ? What use is Christian values without Christ? How long can we possibly keep these values without the source?


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