scared mi' pants off

Today i had a NIGHTMAREEEE that felt so real... My nightmare started off with this:

Before i went to sleep I was reading a book about the Written Gospel, the writers of the book kept on mentioning these two names Davies and Allison that collaborated to write a book... AND i don;t know how, in my dream this two names appeared and a second after it appeared, it changes to Jones Jason and Marty (something like that... i've forgotten it already)... YEah anywayyyyy.... my dream was so DETAILED that i've even dreamed of the cover of the book that they've made.

On the cover, there was a picture of 2 male, one is angry looking and the other one is dorky looking. Suddenly, without any reason my brain just made up a story about these two guys. They were actually one person, with two personality, the dorky one is Jones Jason and the scary one is Marty. The scary loking personality (Marty) is actually a serial killer and goes around killing people just for fun

The scene suddenly jumped from me looking at the cover of the book to me (looking like and old lady) lying on a metal bed in a hospital (it's so creepy how i still remember the details). And in that scene, I heard Jones/Marty broke into the room that i was in and said "Marty is not here today, it's just me Jones Jason" and he was holding a knife in his hand. I was pretending to be sleeping when he was in the room. I remember well how Jones hold his knife and glide it over my body - first my face (section by section) and then my neck and then finally my stomach.

I remember how i was so scared that i forgot to pray... feels like at that time i don't have any hope left. I was so scared of the pain that i forgot about anything else. And it ended with me remembering the last paragraph of that book saying "just before he stab her on her stomach, there were noises outside the room that they were in. It was the sound of the police and detectives who had been looking for Jason to arrest him. And while he was off his guard, she grabbed the scalpel beside her and stabbed him on his chest and neck and he died right away." (of course while i was reading i can see the image of me stabbing him on the neck)

SOOOOOOO CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYY farrrrrrrr outt!! u know how freaked out i am... i haven't been reading any horror novels or watch any horror movies lately. I WAS JUST READING A BOOK ABOUT THE WRITTEN GOSPEL for goodness sakee!!

I don't know how i got into a dream like that.

But it made me think though, what would i do if i am in that situation. Would i forget how to pray? would i forget that my life is more meaningful than just death? would i forget the fact that i can talk to the killer and try to persuade him to REPENT (maybe not)? It questions me about what reaction would i give to someone who is about to kill me? What would my attitude to God be... it pose a question for me, is there a CHRISTIAN way of handling case such as these?

anyway... i'm scared...but reminded and challenged again that physical pain is NOT the most painful thing in this world... it's spending eternity in HELL is the most painful thing... (in this world or not...)


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