pursuit of happiness

It's weird, when i watched the pursuit of happiness, i don't feel inspired/motivated/moved at all by that movie... The poster seems good and the title gives me the emotional effect but the movie gives me disappointment and pity rather than lessons about life. It's so sad how the whole movie is actually talkking about "pursuit of happiness" as in monetary happiness and success. Is that really what happiness means? having a good life without any worries about what we eat tomorrow?

Lately, God taught me about the happiness of having LESS than more... When i have less than others i can appreciate the things that i have, i can actually looks at both story objectively and begin to look at whatever situation that i am in with a different light. When i have less i can actually feel enough when i am given even just a little more. When i have enough i can know and appreciate the good blessings that God gave me, for that He never stop showering me with His blessings, even when i dont need it.

i guess i'm trying to say that when we're in God we can say that we no longer need to Purtsuit happiness because we no longer think of selfish and useless thing about that anymore, we begin to think about how to SHARE happiness with others rather than trying to pursue it. Strange isn't it?

The world thinks that happiness and contentment is something that we have to pursue and keep on pursuing, whereas God says that you already have MORE than enough, it's time for you to actually share it now..

Strange... that when i do share my happiness... feels like i get MORE HAPPINESS than less than what i begin with... strange hehehehe


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