the best ending

Personally, after i watch ANY movie that i like, when the movie ends, it immediately turned from love to HATE it. I hate endings! Whether it's good or bad. One of the movie i love best is Lord Of The Ring -the last movie, why? because there's 4 endings! I love it! and the best book that i love the most is Narnia because the ending is just the beginning. No wait, the ending is actually all of the good people died and now is living in an eternal world.

I've tried to do numerous amount of psychological test on myself, and came into this conclusion. I hate endings because it only tells of one certain "happy" occasion and that was what the WHOLE entire movie is actually about!!!!!!!!!!!! Usually for romance -it's marriage, for adventure - the end of the adventure line, etc2 the list goes on. I don't like that! i like ones that i can see the effect of that happy occasion in their life. What happens after that. But i guess that would make an extremely long and boring story wouldn't it.. But i would love to see that sometimes, when the beginning is actually the ending and the ending is the beginning.

That, however, i think is a wrong mindset. Instead of wanting to see a movie that have good ending and good story, why don't i FOCUS ON THE STORY that i am on now.

The question is not whether there's a good movie with a good ending or not. it should be will our own life have a good ending or not. According to my personal experience and observation, people LOVES watching movie because they think that their own life is not worth watching. The would rather watch other people's life rather than theirs to take away the "ugliness" of their own life. Watching others struggle makes us feel like we ourselves are struggling with them. Maybe that is the case if this is a real situation, but when we're watching movie i don't think that will ever be the case.

Isn't it weird, that people would rather watch 3 hours worth of movie about a hypothetical character in a hypothetical world with a hypothetical problems and solution rather than fixing the problem in their own life.

When i used to be addicted by anime, i admit that i was like that. I would rather watch anime full of colorful "meaningful" life stories rather than looking at my own pathetic life. What i used to tell myself was that anime taught me a lot about "life". How to handle things, behave, etc etc etc. Pathetic i know... but that's reality. No wonder i hate endings. It's because they don't provide all the information i need to know about how to handle MY life. I hate endings because i now have to look for other temporary relief from my own life.

But now that i know that there's hope for those who seeks it, i am slowly changing this bad habit of mine. I'm glad that God taught me that there is something more meaningful and precious than what the world offers. The world offers something that will never sustain our needs and longings, but God offers us with a solution. Isn't that great! for something that seems so dark and hopeless, there will always be a hole for light to shine through. It's just GREAT!


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