need to improve my humor skilll!

I've just realised... a few humor skills wouldn't hurt. it actually makes ppl feel comfy (but depends on the humor). These are a few of humor skills that i want to improve:
- jayus teka teki
- jayus stories
- need to sharpen my brain to think calmly when problem comes so that i can still make a good positive outlook out of it
- need to improve my positive outlook - be less stiff
- need to love people enough that i would want to waste my energy and time doing this... pray pray pray pray

what humor skills i DON'T want:
- making a joke at the expense of others
- hurting other ppl when i joke
- rude jokes
- toughtless jokes
- jokes that don't glorify God's name
- jokes that makes fun/insult/mock/undermine God's creations in any way
- jokes that are out of place- good jokes only happen when the timing is right

benefits i see so far of having humorous skills:
- good skill to lighten up the situation
- shows that you care about ppl that you would take the effort to make them laugh
- good getting-to-know you tool
- ppl will accept hard massages better when we put it in jokes
- Jesus Himself jokes with His disciples - why not you?

- becomes boastful
- depending only on jokes - forgetting that there are times when we have to be serious and think seriously
- becomes a clown rather than God's child
- others will worship YOU not GOD
- stomach ache


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