thought of the day..#7 - philosopy

Studying Philosophy this year offers an answers to a wide range of unanswered questions in my mind - especially on the topic of how ideas came about. It's not so much on the questions asked or the answers given by philosophy that interests me- it is the impact of philosophy that is very peculiar to my experience in the past. Knowing how the mind works and how it happened to work that way is very interesting.

One answered question that i've been asking myself all this time is - how do people get to question nothingness so much and argue about that nothingness like it's something worth protecting about. One thing that philosophy does not give an answer to (so far) is EVERYTHING. At the moment i'm learning about Greek philosophers- the father of all thinkers - and every questions that they provided an answer with just helps them to get more questions. And one interesting thing is that they tend to shift their focus only on one thing - and try to make sense of everything by that one thing - which also prose a question as to why to believe that one thing provides an absolute answer. Take water for example, one philosopher said that everything is like water - always changing but its still is water. Of course, the theory goes much "deeper" than the brief explanation that i gave here, but it still dismiss all other elements on earth that is much more powerful than water. Anyway, that is just one example. My point is that looking at all these thinkers, one can confidently say that their thoughts are limited. They are unable to answers every single questions. That's why Socrates was called the smartest man on earth because he knows that he knows NOTHING.

But is it true that knowing one's limits makes one the smartest man alive?

There is one thing that i'm super thankful of - is that i know that there is a being that knows everything. And i can rely on that being, and for the things that i do not know - i do not know for my own good.

For what is the purpose of knowing everything only for the sake of knowing and not living in it. I am glad that i don't know everything, because i know that even if i know everything - i have no power to take care of that knowledge - to properly treat that knowledge. It would be such a waste of knowledge if ever all answers are given to me. Plus i wouldn't be able to articulate it to anyone else beside myself anyway - so what's the point?!

I'm glad that i know the pinnacle of all knowledge - and because i know that - everything that i know and want to know falls into place beautifully without having me interfering (more like tampering) with it.


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