the great ruiner

In this world there are two main misconception about God:
1. He's like a grandpa - unlike fathers. granpas don't usually punish their grand-children. A father's job is to discipline his children but a grandparent's role is to show love to their grand-children. To them their grand-children is their pride and joy.

This concept downgrade God into a god whom we can control. A god who is never angry at anything - it forgets about the other important aspect of His character which is just.

2. He's like a policeman - unlike grandpas - policeman was employed to do one thing - which is to show and uphold justice. There is no way that they can show leniency to lawlessness.

Many people in this world holds this kind of concept in their mind about God - especially those in the western country. They're scared of this great controlling and just power. The only solution they came up with is to dismiss this power alltogether.

I think i kinda know why this second concept about God came about. And i agree to it 100%. I have to be honest that 50% of the time i'm evangelising to people, i feel like a policeman. Ready to record their wrong and bring that accusation in front of everyone - in order to show "justice".

I know that this is the main problem that many Christians have. The concept that Christians have in their mind about God is reflected in their actions to other people. It's very obvious to see (but not for us to judge who's who).

I remember so clearly - how unsensitive/ unforgiving/ merciless i was to my friends who are falling into temptation. It's so much harder for me to be nice and to forgive them than for God to forgive me (who is worse).

When i see a friend falling into sin - like a policeman - i tend to interrogate them - recall to them the rules - forcing them to do the rules and read it over and over again and not forget about it - and give them punishment for their failings.

I used to think that it's normal to do so - didn't the Bible say that we have to "rebuke" each other and keep each other accountable and such. But the true Bible says otherwise. It says that God is gracious to those who does sins. The only rebuke that we can give to a person is the same rebuke that we give to ourselves - acknowledging that we too had fallen into the same sin once and still is struggling with it but God choose to forgive us and work in us to change this sinful habit.

YES i have to admit - we Christians are THE GREAT RUINER of the gospel. But i cannot blame anyone because not everyone even knows what the gospel truly means. And not many of those who knew - knows how to share it with another.

That's why im super glad that God choose to work in us - in His people - to help one another. One way they do so is by making trainings like EE.

so i'm glad that God's hand is still holding strong to mine and never letting go


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