Sin, Faith, Duty
"If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. 4If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him."This is one of my favourite sermon, and i truly thank God for giving me this knowledge, and allowing me to hear this.5The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!"
6He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you."
it's a sermon about forgiveness... and who and why people should forgive and about our faith...
there are 3 things that we as a Christian should do from the passage:
1. REBUKE - the book of James said, those who see his brother sin and do not rebuke him, also sin against God. For many, rebuking is a very2 hard thing to do, especially if we have to do it to our friends. Why? its simple! because we as a human longs for acceptance and it's really hard to be accepted in nowadays society if you dont "go with the flow".
But the Bible clearly say, that we must rebuke those who sin against God. don't get me wrong! rebuking is not a very easy thing indeed because to rebuke others... we must do it in a way that they will repent without being hurt! rebuking most of the time does not require us saying anything, it requires us to love and practice what we preach. rebuking in a godly way is a very hard thing to do, because to rebuke others, we must do it in a loving and gentle way, we must do it objectively and for the good of the person being rebuked! NOT just for the sake of doing "God's word" ... because God's greatest command is for us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves.
2. FORGIVE- the passage said "If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him.""
What does that truly means? does it mean to forgive only for 7 times a day? NO! God never used things literally... He sees the first and the last... He uses metaphor in a deeper way.
Forgiving, is the hardest thing to do on earth. yet so many people longs and truly needs forgiveness (thought they may not feel like it)... Forgiveness requires great things from us.
Forgiveness requires us to forget that we have the right to take revenge on others. Forgiveness requires us to get rid of our pride. True, we do have the rights to repay bad with bad, but that will never solve anything. Forgiveness is the answer to all problems. It stops conflict.
Forgiveness is the thing that allows us to be part of God's family and the rights to be His children.
3. FAITHFUL- to have a living, growing and fruitful faith.
Faith CANNOT be put into categories such as big, small, great, strong, weak. Just as how Jesus answered the disciples, that IF they have faith as small as a mustard seed, they can already perform impossible things! Faith allows us to do things that we once think was impossible! Those who said that they need "Great" faith to forgive, may not even have faith in the first place.
Blessed are those who hears the Word of God and do them for God's blessing is upon them. Curse are those who hears the word of God and forget about them, for he is like a person who looks at the mirror and quickly forgets what he looks like.
When we are called to be Christian, we weren't great heroes or warrior of the world. we were NOTHING! but God still loved us even to the point of giving His one and only Son to die for our sin! If in our walk with Christ, we still thinks that we need more things from God for us to grow and follow His decree... then we must question our faith. Because God had done more than what we could ever imagine, and if that is not enough.. then maybe.. it's us that dont truly believe in God, the one and only God, our KING our GOD, the creator of heaven on earth, the first and the last.
We need nothing more than a growing faith in Him, for us to do the imposible.