
No... It's not about someone betraying me... if someone did betrayed me - i wouldnt've noticed anyway... cos there's nothing in me that's worth betraying...

this is about the betrayal of my God.

Lately i've been reading both OT and NT at the same time. And my reading for yesterday nite was Jeremiah and today morning is Luke (the crucifixion).

Jeremiah - as you would know, is about this prophet who was sent before ISrael was sent to exile because of their sins. So if you are reading Jeremiah, you would notice that God is laying down His argument against this ungrateful nation. It's like being in a courtroom and listening to arguments on the side of ISrael and God - the punishment - exile.

And you can see how ungrateful these people are. So easy to forget what God has done and run after other gods. It's a story of how Israel betrayed God! (how silly is that..)

and when i was reading Luke - especially the crucifixion part - it too about a story of how people betrayed God.

The lesson that i learned from these two instances is that PEOPLE ARE NATURALLY GOD HATERS.

How many times do you hear ppl exclaiming that the God in the OT is an angry God and in the NT is a loving God?

That is such a STUPID statement. If you read both OT and NT carefully - both is about the God who was continually betrayed by His own creation - His people and continually calling for them to come back. because HE KNOWS of how useless, worthless, lost we are without Him. Only Him completes who we are.

When we run after lesser things than Him, He knew that we will die!

That is why He continually calls us to go back to Him! but as natural as we are - we kept on running away from Him.

Like how a child often runs away from their parents and hates their parents if the parents rebuke him/her for the bad things that he/she is doing.

Sad isn't it?

We don't betray God only when Jesus was here. We betrayed Him continually - in the past before JEsus and we still is doing it now after Him.

Man... i can't comprehend - why is our God such loving as this? It's a mystery.


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