Day's lesson

It is better to heed a wise man's rebuke than to listen to the song of fools.
Ecclesiastes 7:5
Isn't this verse interesting. When i read this verse, the questions that popps up in my mind are:
1. Who is the writer writing to
2. Who is considered to be wise by the writer?
3. Why are they doing the action of rebuking in the first place
4. What does the rebuke of a wise man looks like?
5. What does the writer means by the "song of fools"?
6. Why is the writer writing this line in Ecclesiastes. (i'm thinking of specific situation where this line would be appropriate to say to a person)
7. Is this writer encouraging us to like a wise man's rebuke because it is something that we don't usually pursue or does he/she have another agenda in mind (or just simply saying it)
8. Why is it better to heed a wise man's rebuke - than to hear a song (even-though it is played by a fool)?
9. Why did the writer make the comparison between rebuke and song? Is a song , the usual opposite word for a rebuke?
10. Having answered all those questions, how does this apply to me.


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