Climbing rocky mountain
Life is like climbing a rocky mountain
Each step you take defines where you will be
It might takes you to the next point
Or brings you back to where you were
It could even forces you to begin again
How can I face this mountain?
A mountain full of rocks
Some are strong
Some turn into dust when I step on
Some are fragile
it gives temporary support then breaks
How can I face this mountain?
When my hands are cafed from the rocks
My knees bleed because of the friction
My feet are tired from all those climbing
How can I keep on climbing this mountain?
How can I face this mountain?
Not by noticing the pain
Not by looking back
Not even by thinking twice
Face upwards to the goal I go
Falls during the climb I take
Only to reach that goal I strive
How can I face this mountain?
The same way I got here
The same way I began
The same way I had been
With You beside me
I can climb all the mountains that needs climbing