on type 2 diabetes

"Diabetes (type 2 in particular)is a lifestyle disease" 

As much as it sounds bad, changing my lifestyle had been so great! I don't feel like I'm missing out when the kids were having toasted marshmallow and I had berries and yoghurt instead. Adding extra veggies like lettuce to a store bought sandwiches had made the sandwich taste 10x better. 

Funnily enough, your tastebuds do change and once it does, things that I used to like (such as fish and chips, fried chicken, overly sweet things) become unpalatable. And yes, even the thought of being a vegetarian doesn't sound too disgusting anymore. 

Finding out different delicious salad available in food courts had been fun and I've never really felt that I didn't have choices. 

And no, I'm not really doing it to lose weight, because pandas are vegetarian and they're fat. 


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