now starting to understand

Yesterday, I watched this very2 cool dvd titled "Amazing Grace". Its a dvd about calvinism

Truthfully, I never knew that Calvinism really means. I've heard it discussed and preached many times, but i didn't understand what they were really talking about. Watching this dvd is a great help. It's a great help to the questions i've been asking this year. The question about our salvation, our works and our faith. Question about what it truly means to be a Christian. I know for myself that i've been forced to eat food that i can't taste. I can't taste it or appreciate it because i've never tasted it before. It took me a long time to appreciate this food that i've been taking. 

I can't really articulate what i have in my mind right now. but please pray that i will be able to share it to people. hehehe 


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