
A friend of mine not long ago told me that I like to think- or rather I think too much. This is true- if be been reading my posts you will immediately know that I do think too much, way too much especially if it is a matter of what I do to other ppl and how other ppl behave.

I don't regret. The fact that I was made this way but her statement made me think (again) about the fact that is it I my me who think too much? Am I reAlly that special? I don't believe that I'm he only person in my group who thinks a lot. Evenmore I'm startig to believe the fact that the person who sAid that to me probably was thinking when she said that to me, hence she too thinks a lot..

This made me realize a grave fact that all humans were born thinkers.. We think before we eat, when we read, when we walk, how we sit etc2. Every humans are bound to think!!! That is just how we are

Hence this brings to another issue... Why did she made that statement which by the sound of it madee me feel as if thinking is just not hat normal ppl do in their spare time... It could be that she was just stating what she thinks at that monment of time or she was just saying something for the sake of saying sth or she was making a statement saying that I should stop thinkig too much because it's troubling her ( may I admit that I do like to share the things that I don't undersstand and ask ppl for possible Amswere)- this might be too much of a trouble for her bcause it might not be what she cares about at that very moment- or she didn't realize the fact that all humans think

Every humans are given a thinking brain not for nothing.. If it is just as a decoration God would not put the book of proverbs in the bible which mainly talks about wisdom which is the art of thiinking..

But what is thinking? Why do we think? What do we gain by thinking? Why is it so importAnt to think properly? Can we do without thinking?

The answer that I've got so far is that we think because in all areas of life we are forced to make decision.. Some are as simple As which foot should go next( eventhough we often say that we do that automatically but I think rather that automatically it's more like we have a set of ready made answers to simple everyday questions like these) that is why when you reach a huge puddle of water you start to think a bit more because those answers are no longer sufficient for what you are about to do next..

But what about the more difficullt questions such as who should I trust or what is the most loving act in a particular situation, etc. Questions like those which requireS more time and effort to think about- what do we do? I found that with many youths today they dismissed those questions and replaced them with a more effortless questions like how can I win this game so my friends will respect me or how screwed up is that artist - i'm glad i'm not like that etc2. Ppl are replacing the more important qustions that truly needs answering with mortal and deadly things of this world.

So here's my answer if ever anyone made a statement about my frequecy in thinking:
"Everyone in this world thinks and use their brain more frequently than they realized- even when they think that they are not thinking - the act itself is thinking. But it's a matter of what kinds of things you think about most of the time. Some leads you to the paths of life and some to death and destruction. It may not be so obvious now - but those things you fill your mind with every time - it will slowly fill you and control the things that you do and say. It becames who you are as a person. Isn't that why the apostle Paul urges us in Philipians 4:8
8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things."


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