middle ground

Isn't it funny. That people always try to find a win win situation, people are so unwilling to give up anything for the sake of themselves. We are so unwilling to do anything that may cost us anything or bring us discomfort in any way. We would rather see other people in pain than us in pain. Indeed it's a great marel how much excuses we give to ourselves to make ourselves feel holy to exuse ourselves for being such a selfish being. To look holy in our own eyes and furthermore, we strive to uphold that. 

But what's more funny is how the Bible, never once mentioned about God giving His precious children a middle ground. A win win situation. Something worth pondering about isn't it. 

The Bible only gives two options, to choose to follow Christ or follow satan - in whichever things he manifests in. The Bible only gives one victory and that is complete victory if we choose the strongest side, and complete defeat if we choose the other. 

It's funny that the only middle ground we see in the Bible, only happens here on earth - not in what God says but in what people in the Bible does. Where manifsested within these people, two completely different and opposite thing is dwelling within the same person. 

It may seem that they are working together harmoniously, but if the Bible teaches us one thing- is that in this world there are only two party involved in the battle - that is good and evil. The world may make it seems like there is another party and that is middle party - but such thing never existed and will never exist. To choose the middle is to choose to lose completely. 

Keep in mind, in the age to come - those that may not be seen now will be revealed. And better be prepared for it now than then. 


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