evil God (OT) vs. loving God (NT) - Psalm 78

Have you ever wondered why people are so reluctant to study the OT? I have. and why the OT is rarely discussed in churches?

I think the problem is that to people the OT is too demanding - too many things to do - to many things to give for God and sacrifice. The God in the OT is not as "lenient" as Jesus. the God in the OT actually PUNISHES people and kills them for their sins - actively judging the nation through wars/plague/exile. But Jesus in the NT says "ask and it will be given" "God so loved the world..." and Jesus did not punishes anyone who rejected Him and His message. It almost seems like Jesus dismiss their sins - and accepted them for "who they are". He's the great sheperd who looks and comes for the lost.

But is that true? so nothing in the NT actually demands anything from us - like being godly for example? and nothing about sacrifice from us? nothing about us having to do something for God?

Is Jesus a lovingly passive God? Is He meek and weak? Is He not powerful enough to judge? Did He not demands anything from us?

I think none of those who commented as such ever think about why God is such an "angry" God in the OT - instead of commenting on God had they ever look at the people and how callous their hearts are!? How much those people mock and insult God in His face!? How much those people undermine who God truly is after all that He had done for them?! 

Just like in Jeremiah - false prophets are those prophets who tells the people that they are doing fine and they are good enough for God. False prophets are those who gives false hopes to the sin that they were commiting. False prophets are those who never thinks about how they fit into the plans of God rather they tries to put God in the background. 

Those people who separates the Bible like that is surely going to hell! They are false prophets - false teachers who seeks to take us away from God and His commandments. When one rejects to learn about the OT - one cannot fully understand what it means that Jesus fulfills the laws in the OT. One cannot even understand why Jesus had to come and what promise is He fulfilling! 

Did any of those people even bothered to ask themselves, why the OT takes up 3/4 of the Bible? The OT shows us who God is - a just, loving merciful God who seeks us who are lost. He choose us to come to Him, but we reject Him. The OT explicitly shows who we are! How sinful we are! We are no different from Israel - maybe worse! And if we don't fully understand the depth of our sin - salvation to us is just another one of those thing... good but not precious..


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