Deprecating secular-work
Today i was talking to a friend about subjects in uni and work and stuff. I was sharing my experience as a graphic designer and how i would not prefer to be a designer because of the things that i have to do to be a good designer.
Unfortunately, the friend that i was talking to - too is currently studying a subject similar to mine. A line of work which requires one to do things that may not be too ethical but necessary.
At that time, i said something which is truly2 unhelpful and i regretted it very much. I said to her that to work in secular jobs today is hard- we are constantly forced to do things that are not ethical and may not be in line to what we believe in. Especially to work in a secular jobs when you're a Christian. I ruined it even further by saying that i'm thankful that i am put in the place where i am now - to be given an opportunity to do full time ministry - because i thought that it is the only option that does not demand us to do anything unethical.
It is not that i'm unthankful for being given the opportunity to work full time in ministry. But the time and way and place i said those things were not appropriate and untrue.
The reality is - i was deprecating secular-work in order to glorify what i have and i do. I did not think about the impact and consequences that it will bring to whom i said it to. I repent for being so insensitive and boastful.
I was further rebuked by a book that i'm currently reading titled "A Touch of Heaven on Earth" when the writer said:
" for God is not displayed in specially "religious" service. nor is it a part-time occupation in which we display such love only at certain times and in restricted areas, exempting other things such as business or politics from that task, since they lie outside that restricted time, area and authority.
We need to understand what Jesus meant when He taught that the great and first commandment was, "You shall love the LORD your God wih all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind"(Mt22.37). For by "heart...mind...soul" (also "strength" in Mark and LUke) we are not given an analysis of personality. Rather, the meaning is that we are to love God not just with part of our being but to do so with the totality of our very make-up. by implication that is inclusive of whatever we do in the entire sweep of our life, and with every tick of the clock."
From this i learned and was reminded of the verse in Colossians which says "Whatever you do work hearthily, as for the LORD and not for men, knowing that from the LORD you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the LORD Christ." (Col 3:23-24)''
Even Paul did not depreciate secular work - rather he encouraged Christians to work it as if they are doing full-time ministry in the secular jobs that they do. And that is true.
We need Christians to work in secular work to be witnesses - salt and light to the world around them. Secular jobs, though they can demand things that are against what we believe in - but one thing that we should always remember is that we have a God higher than the world. We are not controlled by the world and we can be different.
If the world says that as a secretary we must sleep with our boss to keep our job - we can say no. We can prove our capabilities by working harder.
If the world says that as a designer we must do drugs and drink alcohol do be cool. we can say no and know that our purpose in life is not merely to gain temporary title that does not do us any good - but to live a life worthy of our LORD.
And there are many other things that we can do in our workplace - to say that we are "in the world but not of the world".
I know that these are mighty hard to to but know we can do these things only through His grace and mercy. We have the fountain or everlasting water which gives us life - and the strength that we need to live that life.
I do believe that we can be a Christian and still be a great designer/prime minister/ manager/ whatever job God gave us - as long as we depend on Him and remember that He puts us there for His good purpose. And in His perfect timing - I know and believe that He is using us in His own way.
I repent - i apologise if ever i deprecate the work that you do. I learned that i do not have to put others down in order for others to see the good things that i have.
I'm so glad that God opened my eyes to see this.
Praise Him - give glory to Him who made all things good in His eyes.
Unfortunately, the friend that i was talking to - too is currently studying a subject similar to mine. A line of work which requires one to do things that may not be too ethical but necessary.
At that time, i said something which is truly2 unhelpful and i regretted it very much. I said to her that to work in secular jobs today is hard- we are constantly forced to do things that are not ethical and may not be in line to what we believe in. Especially to work in a secular jobs when you're a Christian. I ruined it even further by saying that i'm thankful that i am put in the place where i am now - to be given an opportunity to do full time ministry - because i thought that it is the only option that does not demand us to do anything unethical.
It is not that i'm unthankful for being given the opportunity to work full time in ministry. But the time and way and place i said those things were not appropriate and untrue.
The reality is - i was deprecating secular-work in order to glorify what i have and i do. I did not think about the impact and consequences that it will bring to whom i said it to. I repent for being so insensitive and boastful.
I was further rebuked by a book that i'm currently reading titled "A Touch of Heaven on Earth" when the writer said:
" for God is not displayed in specially "religious" service. nor is it a part-time occupation in which we display such love only at certain times and in restricted areas, exempting other things such as business or politics from that task, since they lie outside that restricted time, area and authority.
We need to understand what Jesus meant when He taught that the great and first commandment was, "You shall love the LORD your God wih all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind"(Mt22.37). For by "heart...mind...soul" (also "strength" in Mark and LUke) we are not given an analysis of personality. Rather, the meaning is that we are to love God not just with part of our being but to do so with the totality of our very make-up. by implication that is inclusive of whatever we do in the entire sweep of our life, and with every tick of the clock."
From this i learned and was reminded of the verse in Colossians which says "Whatever you do work hearthily, as for the LORD and not for men, knowing that from the LORD you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the LORD Christ." (Col 3:23-24)''
Even Paul did not depreciate secular work - rather he encouraged Christians to work it as if they are doing full-time ministry in the secular jobs that they do. And that is true.
We need Christians to work in secular work to be witnesses - salt and light to the world around them. Secular jobs, though they can demand things that are against what we believe in - but one thing that we should always remember is that we have a God higher than the world. We are not controlled by the world and we can be different.
If the world says that as a secretary we must sleep with our boss to keep our job - we can say no. We can prove our capabilities by working harder.
If the world says that as a designer we must do drugs and drink alcohol do be cool. we can say no and know that our purpose in life is not merely to gain temporary title that does not do us any good - but to live a life worthy of our LORD.
And there are many other things that we can do in our workplace - to say that we are "in the world but not of the world".
I know that these are mighty hard to to but know we can do these things only through His grace and mercy. We have the fountain or everlasting water which gives us life - and the strength that we need to live that life.
I do believe that we can be a Christian and still be a great designer/prime minister/ manager/ whatever job God gave us - as long as we depend on Him and remember that He puts us there for His good purpose. And in His perfect timing - I know and believe that He is using us in His own way.
I repent - i apologise if ever i deprecate the work that you do. I learned that i do not have to put others down in order for others to see the good things that i have.
I'm so glad that God opened my eyes to see this.
Praise Him - give glory to Him who made all things good in His eyes.